We have a number of wildlife specific areas on site and are also actively working to expand the wildlife corridors across the site as a part of the future development of the allotments. We would really appreciate updates throughout the year of anything you’ve seen that you think of interest or that is noteworthy. Either inform a committee member or tell us online here: Contact Form
June 2021

See the Scarlet Tiger Moth. Sandy found it while weeding the Raspberries. Isn’t it beautiful. We must be doing something right on the allotments. It loves nettles and comfrey which we have round and about.
March 2021

We have frog spawn and Tony reported this week a pair of Mallard ducks alighted on the pond.

September 2020
Ladybirds on a bean plant A frog found in mulched area
March 2018
Greater Spotted Woodpecker seen on plot 2 on the 23rd
Gordon on East side reported sighting of a Kite circling overhead.
Over the snowy weekend 2nd – 4th March we had this Song Thrush sighting and a Redwing. Thanks to John Young for identification.
February 2018
21st First spawn noticed.
21st Woodpecker heard.
22nd Siting of a Green Woodpecker by John and Sandy in copse on West.