We have two sites at Lansdowne Allotments (East and West) and we therefore have two sub committees. Their role is to make sure everything is running smoothly on and around the allotments on a day to day basis and to act as a first point of contact between the plot holders and the Association.
If you are new and need some guidance, if you have something to report that needs attention, a query as to how things are run etc. etc. just ask.
These members are:
Intro Officer (Vacancy)
Sally Tottman Plot 112
Tony Hill Plot 6 (Intro Officer)
John and Sandy Young Plot 9
John and Sandy are both Master Composters and will be available to offer both support and advice to plot holders across both sites.
Overseeing the running of the allotments is the full committee who are ultimately responsible for negotiations with the Council (our landlords), Leases, Constitution, Membership, Finances etc.
These members are:
Lansdowne Allotment Association Committee
Chair –
Secretary – Sally Tottman Plot 112
Assistant Secretary –
Treasurer – Vacancy
Tony Hill Plot 6
Cllr Jerry Roodhouse Plot 31B
You can find us on our plots or use the contact form on the website.
Don’t be afraid to ask.