Lansdowne Allotment Association Privacy Policy
This statement sets out how Lansdowne Allotment Association will treat your personal information in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation 2018
The Lansdowne Allotment Association holds the following data about each of its members:-
- Name.
- Postal address.
- Contact details as provided from the tenancy agreement; one or more of landline phone number, mobile phone number and/or email address.
- Plot number.
This data is physically and electronically securely stored by the Association and available only to serving committee members.
The information is stored on a password protected spreadsheet.
The Association itself uses this information to contact you to inform you of its activities over the year including administration of rents, general meetings and site maintenance.
The Association does have dealings with third parties that require basic personal information (name. address, preferred form of contact) to be passed to them. They are insurers, seed supplier and National Allotment Society.
Your data will not be passed on to any other third party without your prior permission.
The data will be deleted as and when you leave the Lansdowne Allotment Association
The LAA website is an informative site for allotment care and the recruitment of potential plot holders. Cookies are employed and used to help deliver services and improve the website user experience. Information will not be passed on to third parties for marketing purposes.
Your rights
Each member is entitled to see his or her own entry.
To correct information that that LAA hold about you if incomplete or inaccurate
Updating information
Please let LAA know if any information held about you requires updating
Contact LAA regarding any queries you may have.
Complaints in the first instance, should be made to Lansdowne Allotment Association. Members also have the right to contact the Commissioner’s Office:
Commissioner’s Office. Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow Cheshire, SK9 5AF