Category: Uncategorized
Be alert – thieves are about
New Chair Person Appointed
Following the departure of our previous chair person we are pleased to announce that we have a new chair, John Young.
Lansdowne Allotment association is run by a volunteer committee. If you would like to contact the committee please complete our contact form. Thank you.
New Privacy Policy
Please be advised that following the new GDPR legislation Lansdowne Allotment Association have updated our privacy policy.
Vacant Chair
No, it’s not a plot based party game but, having tendered a month notice to the committee, I am (as of the 25th) no longer involved with the association committees. If you have any communications to make to the association concerning ANY aspect of the running of the site please approach directly or in writing, a current committee member. Thank you.
The next committee meeting is on the 2nd May so an announcement re the new structure should hopefully be forthcoming thereafter.
Pond and Boxes and So Much More
All sorts of good stuff has been happening over the past week with Dave and team finishing the ploughing of plots, digging the pond in the new wildlife area and levelling the car park on East. The first of the bat and bird boxes have gone up and we have received the 420 trees from The Woodland Trust for the first new wildlife hedges which are to be planted on Monday with the help of the Eastland’s School children.
Plots Clear and Ready to Go
We are delighted to be able to report how fabulous and ready for planting the site is looking. Thanks to RBC for fulfilling their commitment to us and to Dave for his brilliant skills in clearing all of the old plots and getting us fully up to speed for the new season. Never seen the site looking so good!
The Trees Are Here
We are delighted to report that the 420 wildlife trees that we have been lucky enough to get from The Woodland Trust have now arrived. We are going to be planting them and establishing a wildlife friendly hedgerow in plot No 1 (The Secret Garden) to further enhance this wildife friendly space. As one of our many community initiatives, the children from Eastlands’ School will be popping throughout the planting day in order to help us plant the hedgerow and to get an understanding of the importance of respecting and helping nature. This hedgerow further establishes plot No1 (and in turn) the allotments as a very important wildlife corridor and link in to the Local Wildlife Sites that are currently being established around our site.
Boxing Clever
A huge thank you to Ken on Plot 89 for very kindly (and expertly) making us a bird box and a bat box to help us expand the wildlife friendly areas on site. Above and beyond, thanks Ken.
New Key Exchange
It was great to see so many of you over the weekend and I am delighted to report that over 70% of all the new keys have been allocated over the two days but, obviously, we still have some outstanding.
You can exchange your old key for a new one on an ongoing basis from the shop on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 11am -12 noon.
You will not be issued with a new key if you have not paid this year’s fee(s), if you have not returned your completed membership form or if you do not hand in your old key. You can pay by cash or cheque or the day if necessary.
Rubbish Amnesty Ends
The rubbish amnesty is officially over. The RBC guys have been hard at it for the past few days clearing 20/30 years worth of all sorts of detritus. All piles have been cleared today – 8th February and we are ready for the ploughing of plots.
Key and Lock Changeover – Saturday 10th February
As was originally negotiated, to ensure both plot holder and site security, we organised a complete change of all locks and keys and we have now been supplied with these by Rugby Borough Council. We are going to change the locks on the morning of Saturday 10th February and the new keys will be available for exchange on that day from outside the shop between 9am-9.30am, in the shop from 11am – 12 noon and from outside the shop between 1.30 and 2pm.
Key exchange will continue to be available on an ongoing basis from the shop on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 11am -12 noon.
All of the key deposits paid originally to RBC have now been transferred to us.
Please note you will not be able to gain access to site after Saturday 10th unless you have exchanged your old key and we MUST have that old key returned.
Thank you for helping us to improve the site security and good gardening.
Karl Hine
Rugby in Bloom 2018 – Best Organic Allotment
On the podium for the last eight years and won five of them! Let’s keep flying the flag.
Further details from Fiona James at Rugby Borough Council or speak to one of your sub committee members.
Property Marking Event Saturday 27th 11.15am
Come along for some advice and guidance from our local police community support team on Saturday and get your items security marked.
Those January Jobs Will Not Do Themselves
Glorious Day for an early year sort out.
Final Call for all Site Waste
The collection of all site waste is imminent (7-10 days). This is a rubbish amnesty for all SITE waste (including wood, metal, plastic etc. etc.) Please get it to the large piles on disused plots on East and the empty plot adjacent to the car park on West ASAP. We need to clear it before we can get the plots ploughed. Thank you.
Wildlife Tree Pack
Delighted to say we have just received this so really excited about starting work on the enhancement of our wildlife garden.
Greenhouse Stolen
An aluminium greenhouse frame was removed from East site between Monday evening and Thursday afternoon. Please check your plots and report anything to Warwickshire Police on
Happy Christmas from the Association
Fresh from tenancy negotiations with RBC it has been agreed that you can have December foc for Christmas. We will invoice on 1st January and Jan – Dec will be the new invoice year. You will receive your welcome pack in approximately two weeks. Happy Christmas.
Worth a Listen
If you’re not going to buy Penelope Lively’s new book, treat yourself to a listen of today’s excerpt.
Stephanie Cole reads Penelope Lively’s intimate meditation on gardening, literature and creativity. Today’s episode considers city allotments and the suburban garden.
Wrapping Up for Winter
As the main growing season comes to an end a lot of our tools will be lying dormant until next year, but a little care now will more than pay dividends next year. Believe it or not, petrol goes off over time and manufacturers suggest it should be used in a month in small engines like strimmers and chain saws as if it’s just left in your machines the old petrol produces gums and solids that can clog up the carburettor and the rest of the system.
You can get additives like Briggs & Stratton Fuel Fit that stabilise the fuel and extend its shelf life but for winter storage you’re best to drain the fuel from the tank and then run the engine to clear the last fuel from the system.
Check your manual for how to ‘mothball’ your equipment, for example where there is exposed metal as on the rotavator tines or chrome, run over it with an oily rag which will prevent corrosion.
Electrical equipment and hand tools just need a good clean and the oily rag treatment where appropriate. With wooden handled tools a rub over with linseed or teak oil will help keep the wood in good condition.
It’s a good idea to check rotary lawnmower blades. If they’re chipped or blunted then you can sharpen them ready for next year but do take care not to take more off one side than another as it will throw the blade out of balance and this can damage the machine.
Most garden machinery shops offer blade sharpening and balancing at a small charge. If you’ve equipment that really needs a shop service, now is the right time to get them in because everyone else will be taking them in the spring when they’re needed.
Warwickshire Drooper Plums
Could we ask you all to please be careful around the base of all the Warwickshire Drooper plums as we will be lifting as many of the self set suckers as we can in order to try and establish new trees/community orchards and we are also currently talking with a National Heritage orchard scheme who may be interested in taking stock, many thanks.